Inspirational Poems About Mothers

quote from poem The Greatest Blessing by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live ByWith my children & (bottom photo) my grandchildren
Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy
Trina Graves - 2014

Trina Graves  1961
Spiritual poet & quote anthologist

These poems about mothers and/or for mothers were all written by me. Many of them were written for my own mother, either for mother's day or for her birthday. Others are of my own experiences of being a mother. 

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Inspirational Poems About Mothers

are listed alphabetically by the title

A Gentle Soul
Baby Vows
Before We Are Born
Family Stories
Happy Mother's Day
In The Arms Of An Angel
Letter From Your Newborn
Mother's Day
Mother's Hand
My Christmas: As A Mother
Parents Love: Always With You
Precious Happy Memories
Thank You, Mum
The Best Career In The World
The Best Way To Make Children Good - 1
The Best Way To Make Children Good - 2
The Face Of God
The Greatest Blessings
The Joys Of Parenthood
Those Moments I Treasure
Three Women's Love
When They Placed You In My Arms
Who Am I?
You Were There

spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:

Although this poem is about babies, it is also about the power of the vibrational alignment of their caregivers, which is most commonly essentially the mother.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Babies are born into this world
As pure Spirits, into our care
Most think of them as totally helpless
But they are Awake and Aware

It’s true they need to be looked after
The physical body takes time to train
Unlimited potential lies ahead for them
After mastering their body and brain

But these unique and pure Spiritual Beings
Are learning and adapting as they grow
Throughout pregnancy, birth and early years
They assimilate everything we show

We are all essentially Spiritual Beings
Therefore words and actions do not convey
As much as the energy we constantly radiate
Through our thoughts and feelings every day

Our thoughts, beliefs and perception
Will build our world, our exclusive reality
Children mimic from those around them
Familiar traits to become their personality

Surrounded by nurturing, Unconditional Love
Supported with flowing positive praise
Encouraged to independently think
A child will embody all these ways

5th December 2016

Assimilation - Inspirational poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By2010: My granddaughter
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
A Gentle Soul 

This poem was written for my mother's birthday in 2017 and is about her mother: Jennie (1914-1993) who was born in London, living there until being evacuated in WWII with her two young daughters (the youngest, my mother.)

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Many people shape our lives
Especially during the younger years
With us through the Blessed Joys
And there to wipe our tears

Some are as large-as-life
Their presence takes centre stage
It’s easy to see how their character
Is written on our biography page

But some are quiet in nature
Their presence ever-serene
Life continues on around them
As though they’re hardly seen

They may not have much to say
But their words are kind and pure
Just being in their company
Will affect you at your core

They are the ink to our pen
Without them we couldn’t write
The story of our lives, no words
Would show in dark or light

Their flow brings our life to focus
Through the years their aura imparts
Blessing us with their Lighted goodness
That moulds and forms our Hearts

Jennie, my maternal Grandmother
Was one, a truly gentle Soul
Petit in stature, not essence
An epitome of the Mother role

A Mother in time of war
I can’t even imagine the fear
Daily she must have felt
In London, with bombs so near

Giving up home and possessions
Evacuating, for her daughters sake
Many years would pass by before
Their own home she could re-make

Times were hard and relentless
Death and illness she had to face
But her Beloved five children
Were cocooned in her warm embrace

Years passed as they all fled her nest
Moving on, to create their own family
And onward through the generations
Her tranquility shone out, so clearly

On the passing of her husband Alfred
Frail and alone, the future bleak?
She had another lesson to teach us all
How to live on? What should you seek?

The Blessing of her life was her family
And through them she developed strength
Staying with grandchildren brought her such Joy
Her years continued for a much greater length

It’s now been 24 years since she moved
To our true home in the Heavens above
But what she left behind in many Hearts
Is her pure and simple, Unconditional Love

Gentle was Jennie’s nature
Pure was Jennie’s Soul
Jennie taught by example
Peace: life’s precious goal

24th October 2017

part of poem: A Gentle Soul by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live ByMy maternal grandmother with her oldest (surviving) children. My mother is the youngest girl in the photo.
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Baby Vows

In 2002 my youngest daughter was expecting her first baby. Because of being married to someone of a different religion we knew there would be no Christening and talked of maybe having a 'Naming Ceremony'. I wrote these words with this in mind.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

I Promise To Always Love You.
 No matter what you will do, or say,
my Love for you will always be Unconditional.

I Promise To Nurture You.
Providing you with Love, comfort and security
to the best of my abilities.

I Promise To Always Protect You.
Your safety and well-being will always be on my mind.

I Promise To Do My Best.
I am only human and I will make mistakes,
but I will always do the best I can for you.

I Promise To Always Be There For You.
Even later, as the years go by and we grow apart,
know that you can always turn to me.

I Promise To Teach You Right From Wrong.
By my actions you will learn.

I Promise To Guide You.
Throughout your life I will act as your guide,
either you will want to do the things that I do or say,
or you will not want to do them, because I do!

I Promise To Be Your Anchor.
When life gets you down, I will be there to hold you,
and support you.

I Promise To Let You Become Independent.
As the years pass, I will ease you out into the world.

I Promise To Not Use You As A Pawn.
If my relationship with your other parent changes,
I will always do what’s best for you, and not bring
my feelings into your relationship with them.

I Promise To Seek Help When I Need It.
We all need support sometimes, to cope with life’s problems.

I Promise To Let You Find Your Own Path To God.
I will show you my way,
but you will be guided to your own path

I Promise To Teach You Tolerance.
We are all individuals and cannot always agree,
but I will teach, by my example, to be tolerant.

I Promise To Teach You Empathy For People And Animals. 
By always considering other’s feelings,
you will not cause any harm.

I Promise To Teach You The Things Of Real Value:
Love, Peace, Joy...
There are so many simple things in life to enjoy.

I Promise To Teach You To Cherish Our Planet.
By my example, you will learn to care for our environment.

August 2002

Trina Graves quote - I Promise To Always Be There For You. Even later, as the years go by and we grow apart, know that you can always turn to me. - Spiritual Quotes To Live By2004: My first grandson
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Before We Were Born

In 2013 I wanted to add some spiritual poems for children to my site, this is one of them. I have included it here because I wrote it from my own perspective of being the mother of my children.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Before we were both born
We lived in a beautiful place
So different from this world we know
With no limits of time and space

We didn’t need a body
To contain our energy
We were free to explore ourselves
In any way we’d like to be

We were just the same back then
Not a child, and their parent
We were Beings of Love and Light
Both powerful and magnificent

We had shared many lives before this one
It’s so much fun to change things around
You’ve been my brother, sister, parent, friend
The different ways to be, that we had found

For this life that we are in now
We talked about what we would like to do
We were ready to remember who we really are
And live our lives bringing Spiritual Love through

We knew that this would be quite difficult
In a world of limits, near and far
Our goal would be to become Awake
To the truth of who we really are

This time you chose me to be your parent
To Love, guide you and help you see
The wonderful, powerful person you are
Creating your world with Love Energy

From you my child I would learn so much
About Unconditional Love
You came into my life to teach me
As an Angel sent from up above

I only want what is best for you
But sometimes I can make a mistake
Like you, I am learning to do my best
Together, we will Awake

14th May 2013

Reincarnation poem for children by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By1980: With my oldest children
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Family Stories

This poem was written for my parents wedding anniversary, although it is about their own family, I believe the theme is universally important and mothers are the essential part of a family.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

We all love to hear stories
It’s why we read and watch TV.
But not many understand that
The greatest stories are of family.
Relationships with people
Is what life is all about.
The closest ones, our family
Shape us, without a doubt.

Family is so important
It develops our core inside.
Our childhood, growing up
Imprints our lives, far and wide.
How our parents coped with life
Their attitudes to it all,
Did they show their Love?
Where did their loyalties fall?

Most people don’t ever realise
The constant voice in their head,
Formed from childhood experiences
All they saw, and what was said.
So understanding our parents
What happened in their early years,
Can give us true inner wisdom
And wipe away any un-needed tears.

Remembering we all do our best
In the only way we know how,
Each generation taking on echoes
From the previous, right up to now.
The only way to find things out
Is talking while they are here,
Relationships grow in Love
With empathy everything’s clear.

For many years now, we’ve shared
When I visit, our family news
Who’s done what, why and when
Are they happy or in the blues?
After doing the circle of family
Alive and present today,
We often move to those passed
And their stories of ‘yesterday.’

Also the times of your younger days
The lessons you’ve lived and learned,
Experiences, the good and the bad
The pages of life you’ve turned.
Knowing of your life stories
Helps me in so many ways
Understanding of the past
Brings clarity to all my days.

Becoming Great-Great-Grandparents
Just a few short weeks ago,
A fifth generation begins
The clock of time’s evidence on show,
But how will this new generation
Know of your part of their world?
Unless they are told the stories
The past generation’s lives unfurled.

Family history needs to be shared
Not just for memories sake,
But for all the treasures they hold
From our past, our lives we make.
Each generation feeds the next
Not just on physical food and Love,
But all of their experiences mould
And fit, to enfold like a glove.

21st March 2019

Trina Graves quote - Family history needs to be shared not just for memories sake, but for all the treasures they hold, from our past our lives we make. Each generation feeds the next not just on physical food and love, but all of their experiences mould and fit, to enfold like a glove - Spiritual Quotes To Live By1988: My parents 30th wedding anniversary picture of the family at that time, so different now!
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Happy Mother's Day

After writing so many poems to my mother over the years, I now usually start by looking through old photographs to come up with ideas on what to write. This poem is focused on the photograph beneath of my mother and grandmother just being happy together.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Two happy mothers
Spreading their Joy
Through generations
To each girl and boy

Wrapped in their Love
Children & Grandchildren grow
Blossoming through the years
Mother’s Love all aglow

Generations continue on
Great-grandchildren and more
All Mother’s Love before them
Strengthens their inner-core

Love and Joy, the purest treasures
Through the years memories sustain
Of our happy, Loving Mothers
In our Hearts to forever remain

16th March 2023

Happy Mother's Day poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live ByEarly 1990's: My mother with her mother
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
In The Arms Of An Angel 

I wrote this poem for my mother on mother's day in 2019. I also gave it to my daughter's too as they are both mothers.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

An Angel is a Spiritual Being
A Messenger of God, His Agent
Working Divinely with Love
Around us, or when needed, sent

Some people get to see them
Magnificent, powerful, bright
With pure white wings of feather
A truly life-enhancing sight

But most just know of them
Or at least hope they are true
For we all need the Divine Love
To support and help us through

However, we have an Earth Angel
Who has always been around
For we are all Spiritual Beings
And Divine Love can be found

There is one who’s always Loved us
With all their open Heart
Giving their mind, body and Spirit
To our existence, right from our start

They nurtured us for many years
Building our home, a feathered nest
For us to feel at peace, warm and safe
Whenever we needed to have a rest

To them we were never ordinary
But exceptional, even miraculous
Our smallest of achievements
They’d shower us in Loving fuss

Unconditional Love and forgiveness
Flowed from their Heart and eyes
And when we were little children
They were God‘s Agent, all-wise

As babies we knew the truth
Being fresh from the Great Above
We’d only be placed in the arms
Of the strongest and Highest Love

In The Arms Of An Angel
We were held like no other
Truly Blessed from the Divine
With an Angel as our Mother

29th March 2019

In The Arms Of An Angel - poem about mother's by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live ByMothers in my close family: My grandmothers, mother, myself and my daughters
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Letter From Your Newborn

This was my beginning of writing inspirational poems. On the day my first granddaughter was born in 1997, I sat to write (in rough) words to go into my card for her parents (my son and his partner). These words flowed and although I did not use them at that time, I eventually realised their importance in teaching the law of attraction to mothers and fathers.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Dear Mummy and Daddy,

No matter what happens between us, during my childhood
I will Love you unconditionally.

You are my guide, my support, my lifetime anchor…
for whatever becomes of me depends on our time together.

From you I will learn what Love is.
I will learn to be confident or shy, giving or selfish, loving or cruel.
I will learn what is right and wrong,
who I should respect
and whether I should Love and respect myself.

As I come into this world, into your tender care,
I am a pure, clean sponge.
I will soak up every look, every touch,
every thought, every word, every feeling
and they will mould me into the person
that I will become.

So in the days, weeks, months and years ahead
– please remember that –
every thought, feeling, word, touch, and look…
I will absorb.

If you treat me with Love, caring, respect, tolerance,
forgiveness and understanding,
- even when I do things wrong -
I will grow up into a kind, considerate, confident,
loving, responsible, happy child and adult.

But if you treat me with intolerance, uncaring, harshness,
words of anger and neglect...

I will be… sad.

22nd December 1997 

Trina Graves quote - Dear Mummy and Daddy,  No matter what happens between us, during my childhood I will Love you unconditionally. - Spiritual Quotes To Live By2007: My first granddaughter (the inspiration for these words) with her parents
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Mother's Day

Written obviously for Mother's Day!

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Mother’s Day in the UK
Is on the fourth Sunday of Lent
A day when earlier Christians
To their ‘Mother’ church went

Visiting their ‘Mother’ church
Where they grew up, long ago
A place of ‘Home’ to worship
Their thankfulness to bestow

And now Mother’s Day
Has developed to become
A day to visit home
And appreciate, Mum

Honouring our Mothers
For all they have done
Throughout the years
For their daughter or son

If not able to visit
Maybe send a little gift
Along with a Loving card
Will always give a lift

For many the day will be
Tinged with thoughts, so sad
But Mother’s Love is eternal
And more likely felt when glad

Our Mother will always be
A large part of our Heart
Here, or on the other side
Love Unites, to never be apart

29th March 2019

Trina Graves quote - Mother’s Day in the UK Is on the fourth Sunday of Lent A day when earlier Christians To their ‘Mother’ church went  Visiting their ‘Mother’ church Where they grew up, long ago A place of ‘Home’ to worship Their thankfulness to bestow - Spiritual Quotes To Live By2008: My mother in Dorchester Abbey, Oxfordshire. One of my favourite places as a child.
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Mother's Hand

When I was at primary school I wrote a poem called Mother's Hand for a handwriting competition. For my mum's birthday in 2001 I thought I would write an adult version.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

As a little girl I held your hand tightly
for the world was a scary place.
As the years went by our clasp loosened
as I became eager to explore.
Then the day came that we both let go
and I was able to walk alone.

Whatever I have faced in my life
I’ve known your hand is always there
for me to hold, if I need.
The warmth of your Love
and guidance of your hand
has steered me through the crowd of life
to bring me through.

Now, as the years pass
I hold my hand out to you
for I will always be there
if you ever need me...
Take my hand and together
we can walk the rest of the Path.

October 2001

Trina Graves quote - Whatever I have faced in my life I’ve known your hand is always there for me to hold, if I need. - Spiritual Quotes To Live By1977: With my mother
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
My Christmas: As A Mother

This is one part of a poem which also covers: My Christmas As A Child and My Christmas As A Grandmother. You can read the complete poem on My Christmas poems page.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

When I was a young Mother, Christmas was so wonderfully magical
Although at first my Husbands Christmas Eve tradition seemed radical
No decorations were put up before the children went to bed
The Christmas Fairies came with Santa, to do the job instead

The look of amazement on the children’s faces on Christmas morn
Made up for the complete lack of sleep from not going to bed till dawn
Surprise and delight glowed on little faces when they entered the room
Lights and colour everywhere, just like a garden in summer’s full bloom

I had my own tradition to bring into my growing family
My Father had given me Santa’s picture to oversee
My children, two weeks before Christmas they began to look
The third generation hoping their names were not in the black book

As all other Mothers, I wanted my children to have more than me
From my one sack, to their sack and presents under the tree
New outfits to wear, toys to play, books, puzzles, and more
There is a warming pleasure in giving to the ones we adore

In early years of their childhood there was no brussel sprout
So I could spend more time with them, the traditional dinner we left out
When they were older we decided to begin, and they did appreciate
The special meal shared together, though sprouts they never ate!

Band Aid’s ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ first came out
Teaching us how fortunate we were, without a doubt
‘The Power Of Love,’ from Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Taught a truth, pure and simple, we all understood

Every year there were parties, with my husbands family
Grandparents, siblings, cousins, getting together to see
Sharing fun with games, and magic tricks into the night
Chatting away for hours, and setting the world to right

It took a sad occasion to persuade my husband to spend
Christmas with my parents, so some support I could lend
My gentle Nanny Jennie passed, just before Christmas 93
Being with my Mum for that Christmas was so important to me

In 1995, a totally different Christmas we planned
To spend our yuletide together, in a hot far-away land
Two children were getting older, almost ready to move on
Jamaica, our last holiday together, and then they were gone

All the delights of Christmas, through my children I lived the days
The excitement and high spirits, they sparkled in gorgeous ways
When they were younger I told them the story of the baby from above
They are my Angels, who came and taught me true Unconditional Love

December 2016

Trina Graves quote - When I was a young Mother, Christmas was so wonderfully magical Although at first my Husbands Christmas Eve tradition seemed radical No decorations were put up before the children went to bed The Christmas Fairies came with Santa, to do the job instead - Spiritual Quotes To Live ByMy children on Christmas Eve
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Parent's Love: Always With You

This poem was written for my father's birthday, but is obviously also about his mother who died when I was six.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

No matter how long ago
Days, months, or many years
Their presence no longer in your life
Can bring some sadness and tears

But also, a tear of Joy can fall
As you fondly reminisce
The Love you so dearly felt
Embraced, or a tender kiss

Or maybe they didn’t demonstrate
Their Love, with words or touch
But in your Heart you know the truth
They Loved you, so very much

You were their pride and their Joy
All through your young childhood
And as you grew into an adult
Their inner-reflection, now stood

For you are linked in many ways
Not only through your DNA
But the Love and nurture that you felt
Remains in your Heart today

They may have left the physical
But their Energy of Love remains
Walking with you through your life
With all its Joys and pains

With you through the celebrations
Births, weddings, and birthdays
Often caught in photographs
As energy orb displays

With you in the quiet times
When they pop into your mind
Wanting to bring you inner peace
Their Love, you can always find

With you when your Heart aches
And when you can take no more
They know you’ll heal in time
Because their Love is in your core

With you at times of success
Proud to be the parent of you
Throughout all your milestones and goals
They were there, to see you through

With you in times of trouble
Worry, stress, and strife
Their compassion and support
Always with you, through your life

For we are not just physical
But Eternal Beings of Love
Growing through our Earthly lives
Linked always below and above

Sharing and experiencing all of life
With our Soul group, we walk
And if we open-up our Heart
To the other side we can talk

Always with you… in your Heart
Always with you… every day
Always with you… in Loving Energy
Always with you… they will stay

Always with you, and especially
They await your presence above
One day in time you’ll be together
To reminisce your lives of Love

They will be there on that day
Excited to embrace, and you’ll see
When you transition to the other side
They were always with you, in Love Energy

16th October 2019

Parents Love: Always With You - poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By1958: My paternal grandparents
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Precious Happy Memories

This poem was written for my mum's birthday.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Countless happy memories
Stack up through our years
Looking back they bring Joy
And a few blissful tears

Many family celebrations
Christmas, weddings & birthdays
Times full of Love and Joy
In memory our Spirits raise

Holidays, visits and days out
Sunshine with its lighting rays
With family, friends or alone
The warmth remains in us always

Most precious of all are the ones
Though fleetingly they can pass by
Simple things all through our lives
Can bring us to the highest High

Time stands still for a moment
Imprinting truth within our Core
Unconditional Love we can feel
This is what we came here for

Gazing into a Loved ones eyes
Catching glimpses of their Soul
Eternal presence of Divine
Fill us, we feel completely whole

Especially with a newborn babe
After the miracle of giving birth
Purest of physical Divinity
Portraying all humans worth

Loved ones come, and they go
We never know how long
We’ll be together in this life
Precious memories make us strong

27th October 2021

poems about mothers

spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Thank You, Mum

Written for Mother's Day, words of thank to my mother for the blessings she has given me throughout my life.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Thank you for your Mothering
Right from the very start
You nurtured our family
Consistently working from your Heart

Thank you for Leading me
To become an intuitive mother
Using my inner-guidance
Not just the advice of any other

Thank you for all the little things
You have ever said, and done
That have made my life so happy
Full of delight and lots of fun

Thank you for your Presence
I know at all times you will be there
Whenever I need you, it’s Heart-warming
To know you always care

Thank you for your Guidance
All through the many years
Your Love and support has helped me
Wipe away the countless tears

Thank you for your Honesty
You always taught me right from wrong
By your example I learned, and now live
With integrity my whole life long

Thank you for your Morality
Although nothing much was said
I grew up choosing to truly be in Love
Before I share my bed

Thank you for your Positive Attitude
It’s truth has helped me see
I reap what I sow in life
My thoughts guide who I will be

Thank you for your Happiness
Always showing me a smile
Even when clouds are present
You know they will only last awhile

Thank you for Teaching me
Life’s challenges are often like a test
I’ve learned from your example
To always strive to do my best

Thank you for your Wisdom
When things all get too much
You say, “Hand it over to God”
To feel His guiding touch

Thank you for your Love
Given to me Unconditionally
Someone who consistently radiates that Love
Is who I yearn to be

Thank you for your Knowledge
You may not think I’ve gained this from you
But degrees can’t teach the highest lessons
The most important is Love, is so true

Thank you for Faith
In the presence of God above
It’s been a guiding Light for me
Knowing of this Love

Thank you for your Spiritual Essence
It’s helped me find my way
You taught me to seek my own Path
I live it each and every day

Thank you for your Example
To live a life of simple things
The Joy of family and peace of nature
Gives our Spirit wings

Thank you for your Blessings
That I know are always with me
I Bless you, and know our Love unites us
Forevermore into infinity

14th March 2015

poems about mothers

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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
The Best Career In The World

I enjoy writing poems that cover family history as it compliments my other joy of geneology. I believe by writing poems of my family's history it is a future reference for other generations of things that might not be known or forgotten over the years.

This poem about my mother was written for her birthday. I am not sharing all of it here due to it being personal, but this is the second half. The poem covered all of the jobs she carried out throughout her 'working life.'  The last words are her own from a recording I made many years ago when she was talking about her thoughts on 'The Best Career In The World.'

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

And so Doreen left there
To start a new life phase
Homemaker and a mother
To the children she’d raise

Mother to four children
Through the 60’s they grew
Living in a farming village
A part-time job she could do

Earning much needed money
Picking the vegetable crops
Children sometimes went too
A mother’s work never stops

With the children all at school
In the 70’s, moved to Witney
A part-time sewing machinist
At Comptons, Doreen came to be

Leaving school, her daughter too
Worked at the same place
Not long till she left home
Memories they now can retrace

A change in family circumstance
And needing full-time work
Doreen, did all she could
Responsibilities she didn’t shirk

Life began to go very well
Mid 1980’s finances changed
William’s family business
Led to much being re-arranged

Apart from everyday support
Doreen too played a part
Cleaning in the early years
With William from the start

Years passed with such Joy
For the time that Doreen spent
Caring for her mother at home
Perfect timing, heaven sent

Moving on, as time does
Another house, just for two
Doreen sought an opportunity
Expanding the caring she knew

A care assistant in a Witney home
Helping the old through their days
After time devoted to her mother
Doreen saw lack in many ways

Through a friendly neighbour chat
Doreen gained work privately
Helping the elderly in their homes
Cleaning, supporting, splendidly!

A laundry assistant at the hospital
Became Doreen’s job, officially last
Many years in the afternoons
Lifting the Spirits of those downcast

Retiring from Witney Hospital
Working in her garden, a great Joy
Just one more job to add to this
A few years later, self-employ

Helping William at Witney Lakes
Herbs, flowers and some trees
Blossomed with Doreen’s attention
Happiness ever on the breeze

So, what was Doreen’s greatest job?
Of the list, what did truly bring
Her knowing of the best career
What made her Heart truly sing?

“To me, the best career in the world
Is bringing up a lovely family,
Bringing up the next generation
That is the most important thing” lived clearly!

29th October 2020

poems about mothers

spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
The Best Way To Make Children Good
Is To Make Them Happy - 1 

Quote Title: Oscar Wilde

I like to write poems that use inspirational quotes as the title and theme, especially when they are about the family.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Making children do anything
Will not achieve your true goal
They are unique human beings
With their own Guiding Soul

They will submit to all your rules
As you teach, shape and mould
Bending to your whims
Mostly doing as they are told

But deep within they know
They have a true Guiding Light
Smothered by fitting in
It flickers, waiting, out of sight

So how do you let them learn
To follow their own true Heart?
While still guiding and protecting
Right from the very start

It is really all up to you
In the way you live each day
For even in the nurturing womb
They know what you do, and say

Do you follow your own Heart
Always aiming for your best?
Through life’s ups and downs
Anchored with Love, do you rest?

The things you say, and do
Will of course have an effect
But much more is said than words
With thoughts and feelings, you select

Young children absorb it all
With no ability to understand
Not all experiences are true
You have the upper hand

Teach them by example
Follow your own Inner Guide
Be who you came here to be
Shine brightly, do not hide

For everyone has their own Path
In the life they came to live
Unique in its twists and turns
Guidance by example, you can give

Stand strong in your beliefs
Hold fast in your integrity
Show your Love and appreciation
Giving thanks for all to see

11th January 2018

The Best Way To Make Children Good - poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By1990: My children with some of their cousins
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
The Best Way To Make Children Good - 2

Quote Title: Oscar Wilde

As you can see, this poem is using the same quote. There have been a few times that after writing a quote poem I am inspired to write another one!

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

We want our children to be good
Do as told, and as they should
We give rules, and we instill
Our beliefs, their minds we fill
With all the ways that we know how
To live as best, in these times now

From the moment of their birth
And for all their days on Earth
Our one hope, above the rest
Through all Joys and times of test
Is that they will be happy every day
No matter what, will come their way

We all wish them lives of Love
Some wish alignment with above
We all want them to be healthy
Some wish them to be wealthy
But all these are not true worth
Without happiness and mirth

Making them happy seems the way
To please them each and every day
Giving all we can to their Joy
Buying each a brand new toy
Not having much time to spend
On making a living we do depend

The cycle of life continues on
Before too long the child is gone
Now an adult the world will see
But your child, they’ll always be
Still you long for Joy and happiness
Their life to be full of purest Bliss

However, you know life will impart
Many arrows deep into their Heart
Each one’s shadow will hit you too
Because they are a part of you
You give your Love and support
Wishing more you could have taught

If I knew then, what I know now
So different I’d be, I would allow
My Inner Guidance to show the way
To all I think, and do, and say
My children I know I guide
By my ‘Being,’ I cannot hide

Back then, I know I did my best
So I can lay my past to rest
Now time moves on, flashes by
I have more to give, I can but try
Showing other generations a way
My words of truth I yearn to display

We cannot make them be
Open your mind and you’ll see
Everything we are, they will take
And with that, they will make
Our attitude and feeling core
Will open their Life-Path door

Children are the greatest treasures
Our lives continuing measures
Of all we are, and will achieve
Growing on from what we believe
How we live, what we are
What guides us, near and far
Our hopes, our Loves, our goal
How much we follow our Soul

The greatest gift we can give
To our children is to live
Always guided by our Light
Our Inner-Knowing, shining bright
Giving it strength by positive thought
It is by example children are taught
Be their map for a life of Joy
For every precious girl and boy

11th January 2018

Trina Graves quote: The greatest gift we can give, To our children is to live, Always guided by our Light, Our inner knowing shining bright, Giving it strength by positive thought, It is by example children are taught, Be their map for a life of joy, For every precious girl and boy - Spiritual Quotes To Live ByMy children in mid 80's
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
The Face Of God

For me the most esquisite moments of my life have been when first holding my newborn babies. I believe this is a moment of pure connection with the Divine.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

There is the purest moment
Of time, for all Mothers
Most will feel this Bliss
A Blessing, above all others

Looking into her newborn’s eyes
In their first Loving embrace
Divinity in the Purity
Of looking into God’s Face

A fresh, new Spirit of God
Here to live on our Earth
Unconditional Love is felt
At this Joyous time of birth

A peak experience of life
The reflection of God is there
Two Souls aligned with Source
This beautiful moment to share

The newborn, full of Light
Source Energy at full blast
Lifts the Mother’s Core
A Divine spell is cast

The Mother is being shown
How much of God, she’s a part
For how she feels right then
Is the Presence of God, at Heart

Nurturing, caring always
Watching as they grow
Living each Precious moment
Blessed in the Joy they show

Letting them go to make
Their own world of free-choice
Always patiently waiting
To hear their delightful voice

Unconditional Love Always
No matter what they will do
Always being there, if they ask
Guidance to see them through

Leaving home, but not forever
One day to re-Unite
Even if not on this Earth
All is perfect, ever-bright

The Mother sees with God’s Eyes
The Divine, in her arms and Heart held
But, also the Face of God is looking
At her... It’s The Purest Meld

21st November 2019

The Face Of God - inspirational poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By2002: My daughter and granddaughter
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
The Greatest Blessings

Another poem also written for Mother's Day 2019 that I also gave to my daughters as well as my mother.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

The greatest Blessing of my life
Was in becoming a Mother
Truly Blessed three times in all
A Divine Blessing above any other

The greatest treasures bestowed on me
Worth more than diamonds and gold
Were the lives of my precious children
Still my treasures, even as we grow old

The greatest experience I went through
Was being pregnant with each one
I especially remember the delight I felt
Growing stronger with each rising sun

The greatest Bliss I ever felt
Overpowering and so full of Love
As I first cuddled each newborn
I was connected to Heaven above

The greatest Love I never knew
Until I experienced it myself
Unconditional Love for my children
The purest and highest wealth

The greatest smile I ever saw
Gazing at each baby in my arms
The recognizing of their first smile
Is one of life’s simple charms

The greatest sound I ever heard
Brought smiles of pure delight
My babies joyous, infectious giggles
Made each day rosy and bright

The greatest words said to me
Were spoken with Love from their eyes
Hearing ‘Mum’ for the very first time
A joyous moment, as time flies

The greatest happiness I had
Through the years abundantly
Were doing things with my children
With their faces so full of glee

The greatest responsibility I faced
Was one I didn’t fully understand
Many years later I discovered
The power of a Mother’s guiding hand

The greatest nurturing I gave
To my children, when they were small
Another thing I was to learn later on was
They were nurturing me through it all

The greatest hugs I received
From my little ones, filled my Heart
Happiness expressed through hugs
Together again, after being apart

The greatest Christmasses all were
The ones with my little children
Excitement, traditions, decorations, gifts
Family togetherness, all having fun

The greatest gifts given to me
Throughout the years, without a doubt
Were the simple little handmade ones
Or a daisy picked when we were out

The greatest holidays were spent
Watching my children play in the sun
It didn’t matter where we were
Or whatever was, or was not done

The greatest lessons I have learned
Throughout my life, over the years
Were created through being a Mother
Though many did bring me to tears

The greatest teachers in my life
Were my children as they grew
Teaching me what life is all about
Much more than school could ever do

The greatest pride for me has been
Seeing the parents that they now are
Loving, caring, always doing their best
All my grandchildren will go far

The greatest time of my life
Is each and every day
Now Blessed with another generation
The Joys just ‘blow me away’

The greatest memories for me
Filled with Love and of Joy
Are with my girls Julie and Emma
And Kevin my only boy

The greatest thankfulness I give
To my Mother, for she taught me
The greatest Blessing in our life
Is Mothering, for God’s Love we see

30th March 2019

Trina Graves quote - The greatest thankfulness I give To my Mother, for she taught me The greatest Blessing in our life Is Mothering, for God’s Love we see - Spiritual Quotes To Live By1961: With my mother at my Christening
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
The Joys Of Parenthood

My oldest child (daughter) longed to be a mother from quite a young age, however her siblings became parents before her. She loved being an aunt, but still yearned to be a mother, so when the time finally came for her to be blessed I wrote these words. 

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

The greatest gift in life, you’ve received today
The birth of your precious little one, safely here to stay
Entrusted to your gentle, Loving care
God knows that you are a wonderfully, devoted pair

Your lives will never again be the same
Now that you are parents, you have a new aim
To Love and protect her, to nurture and to care
The Joys of parenthood are beyond compare

The Happiness, Joy and Love you now feel
Will stay with you forever, this Love is so real
There is nothing in life that can compare to this
The birth of your cherished baby, brings you pure Bliss

20th August 2007

The Joys Of Parenthood - poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By2007: My oldest daughter with her husband and first child
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Those Moments I Treasure

I loved being pregnant and one of the things I still recall is the moment of waking up each morning and remembering with utter joy that I held the most precious blessing within me.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

With each new day as I awoke
Like a spark I’d remember you were here
A smile would warm my face and Heart
Those moments I treasure, so clear

I counted the weeks as they passed by
Your presence I felt growing strong
My Joy and excitement thinking of you
Those moments I treasure, my life long

You wriggled and kicked more powerfully each month
My body stretching as it nurtured your growth
Blossoming too was my complete devotion to you
Those moments I treasure, Unconditional Love my oath

Then the moment arrived for us to meet face-to-face
Time stood still with a tangible sense of awe
The miracle of pregnancy and birth is a blessing in life
Those moments I treasure, forever more

Now the years have passed, and you are grown
But my memory of pure Bliss can still bring a tear
When you were first placed in my arms
That moment I treasure, most dear

You are: my Joy, my Precious, my Beloved, my Life
I’ve Loved you Unconditionally right from the start
Though life separates us, our Love continues and unites
Our moments I treasure, Eternally you are part of my Heart

God Bless you: Julie, Kevin & Emma

10th March 2015

Trina Graves quote - Now the years have passed and you are grown, But my memory of pure bliss can still bring a tear, When you were first placed in my arms, That moment I treasure most dear - Spiritual Quotes To Live By1979: With my first baby on the day we came out of hospital
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Three Women's Love

Written for my father's birthday. Although not all about his mother, it is the core and everlasting blessing.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

Evelyn was the very first
With a Love so strong and pure
A mother’s Love is limitless
Continuing on forever more

Doreen’s Love has been steadfast
As girlfriend, fiancee, and Beloved wife
You’ve shared so much over the years
With all the ups and downs of life

Trina, your only daughter
Has Loved you all her days
Being together changes over time
But the closeness always stays

Love comes in different forms
In many ways it is shown
It’s what life is all about
Through Love we all have grown

These three women of your life
Will always shower you with Love
Whether here on this Earth
Or from the Heavens above

18th October 2017

Three Women's Love - poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live Bypoems about mothers
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
When They Placed You In My Arms
You Slipped Into My Heart

Quote Title: Unknown

Another quote poem, but also another of my experiences of bliss at first holding my precious babies.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

When they placed you in my arms
For the first time after your birth
Is my most precious memory
Of my life, here on this Earth

After endless months of waiting
Anxious that all would be well
Relief mixed with anticipation
As I floated under your spell

My Love for you had grown stronger
Each day, through pregnancy
In that moment it exploded
Awakening the Core of me

I gazed tenderly into your eyes
Then mine watered with a tear
The pure Bliss of the moment
As I embraced you, my dear

The weight of your little body
As I held you close and tight
Feeling your physical presence
Sensing your true Spirit Light

The warmth of your precious form
Now tangible at long last
Melted time’s candle to me
You became my future, and my past

The sheer miracle of life
I possessed in my arms
Blessed always to be
Captivated by your charms

When they placed you in my arms
You slipped into my heart
Through Eternity we are bound
Entwined Souls to never part

24th February 2017

When They Placed You In My Arms - poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live Bypoems about mothers: With my newborn children
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Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
When You Look At Your Life
The Greatest Happinesses
Are Family Happinesses

Quote Title: Joyce Brothers

A quote poem about family, but centres around my experiences of being a mother and grandmother.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

As you get older, you more often reflect
The course of your life, and you introspect
Remembering all the ups, and some downs
The beautiful sights and wonderful sounds

The focus you chose, and decisions you made
Became your life, and your Path was laid
Life continues to expand, there’s always more
To experience the Joy, is what you came here for

Reminiscing those carefree days of childhood
When all you wanted was to feel good
Playing with siblings, friends, or by yourself
Imagination was your greatest wealth

Childhood memories of the long ago past
Fade through time, but the ones that last
Are the happy ones spent with Mum and Dad
Sharing time and Love, feeling cherished and glad

Picnics, walks, or playing board games
The simple shared pleasures, are what remains
In your memory, to treasure forever more
The Love you experienced developed your core

Time progresses, and moves on so fast
Life brings experiences, the landscape’s vast
The greatest gift, if Blessed, you will know
Is being a parent, as the purest Love will grow

Creating your own precious unit of family
Brings an overwhelming abundance of ecstasy
The immense Love you feel, will always remain
Though expressing the depth, is hard to explain

Just watching your baby grow, develop, and explore
Their world around them, brought you even more
Happiness in all the countless, simple, delightful ways
Treasured memories gathered, throughout those days

It’s peculiar, but often you will find
The simplest moment stuck in your mind
Your child running to you, with arms open wide
Their pure Love and elation, they just couldn’t hide

The years of parenthood continued on
Time seemed slow, but soon they were gone
Young adults replaced the children you raised
Vibrant, onto their own Paths they blazed

With parents eyes, you developed a different view
The world was changed, and you understood too
Your parents Love for you, became crystal clear
They did their utmost to Love, and hold you dear

And now your children are parents also
Blessings of Love forever bloom and grow
Watching your child’s parental Love and Joy
Blossom with each additional baby girl and boy

With the old eyes of wisdom, you can now see
So clearly the pure contentment of your family
These precious little Angels, sent from up above
Grandchildren bring Bliss and quintessential Love

4th January 2017

Trina Graves quote - And now your children are parents also Blessings of Love forever bloom and grow Watching your child’s parental Love and Joy Blossom with each additional baby girl and boy - Spiritual Quotes To Live By2010: My children with their children
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
Who Am I?

You can read all of this poem on my About Me page, however, this is the part about my being a mother, mother-in-law and grandmother.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

My most blessed role of all
Would bring Bliss so pure and true
Becoming a Mother woke me up
Unconditional Love coming through

I placed this role as my priority
And was Blessed with two more
Angels added to our family unit
To Love, cherish, and to adore

I am a Mother to three children
But, each see a different kind
Inner truths and insecurities
Develop and influence the mind

I saw my role as a joint Parent
As two equals in the giving
Babies need nurturing and Love
Adults adapting to daily living

I never knew for many years
The change in my role of a Wife
My intense Love for our children
My husband felt as lack and strife

So another role I took on
A Divorcee feeling remorse
But it heralded great change
My true purpose was on course

I became a Spiritual Seeker
Limitations gone, I was free
To live and learn and grow
To be The Me I Came Here To Be

Becoming a young Grandmother
Was the icing on the cake
Unconditional Love for these jewels
Brought the Poet in me awake

Many lessons I have experienced
From becoming a Mother-In-Law
Different characters and views
Letting go of any control at all

Daughter, Sister, Mother
Friend, Stranger, Wife
Spiritualist, Blogger, Inspirer
Are just a few roles of my life

17th August 2018

part of poem Who Am I? by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By2016: With my children
spiritual quotes to live by

Inspirational Poems About Mothers:
You Were There

Written for Mother's Day, for my mum.

Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy

During my childhood: You Were There
Nurturing with your Loving care
Through the ups and downs of it all
Picking me up when I would fall
Always there to kiss goodnight
And cuddle if I woke with a fright
Showing me Love and trust were the way
To practice being, with each new day

As I grew up: You Were There
Easing me out into the glare
The big wide world dazzled bright
But I had your guidance to do what’s right
Becoming a Mother at a young age
Your influence helped in each turning page
When I was left with a broken heart
With your resilience, I didn’t fall apart

Now I am Blessed because: You Are There
Living into old age with peace and flair
We share stories of life and family
Lessons I’ve learned from you are clear to see
As individuals, our views are not all the same
But our core connection will always remain
You taught me to be open to receive
The presence of God, because of you, I believe

When the time comes I know: You’ll Be There
An unfailing faith, we do both share
Your physical presence will move on
But in no way will you be gone
You’ll be living on in Peace and Love
Re-united with those up above
I will speak to you in my mind
Your reply and Love, I’ll always find

My beloved Mother..
You Were There
Because you always care
A pure Love beyond compare
From you I learned to share
When everything is laid to bare
We let go - to God - to be aware

10th March 2018

Trina Graves quote - During my childhood: You Were There Nurturing with your Loving care Through the ups and downs of it all Picking me up when I would fall Always there to kiss goodnight And cuddle if I woke with a fright Showing me Love and trust were the way To practice being, with each new day - Spiritual Quotes To Live Bypoems about mothers: Childhood photos with my mum

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Be Love, Seek Joy - Quote purple hearts Trina Graves, SpiritualQuotesToLiveBy