These inspirational quotes about mothers are positive words of love, joy and guidance on being a mother, also there are people's quotes of praising their own mother. Whatever expression used: mother, mum, mom, mam etc.. most of us are blessed with having a loving, caring, nurturing female in our lives, who is/was doing their best to provide us with all the support we need in those vital early years and beyond.
The quotes on this page are all from authors A through to H. The remaining quotes are I to Z. Mother Sayings from unknown sources will be added soon. There is also a page of Inspirational Poems About Mothers.
are listed alphabetically on authors surname
Abraham-Hicks 1948
Channeller, speaker & author
you are loving your children and expecting good things for them, you
are tapped into the energy of your Source and you’re
flooding that all over them.
John Quincy Adams 1767-1848
6th President of USA
that I am, my mother made me.
Adele 1988
English singer-songwriter
felt so mega having given birth; the confidence from that, I felt
I have never been insecure, ever, about how I look, about what I want to do with myself. My mum told me to only ever do things for myself, not for others.
My main thing is Mum, then it’s me, then it’s work.
Christina Aguilera 1980
American singer-songwriter
mother, I thank you for all that you’ve
done and still do. You got me, I got you. Together we always pull
Astrid Alauda
comes a time when a woman needs to stop focusing on her looks and
focus her energies on raising her children. This time comes at the
moment of conception. A child needs a role model, not a super model.
Mitch Albom 1958
American author
behind all your stories is always your mother’s
story, because hers is where yours begins.
When you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.
Louisa May Alcott 1832-1888
American novelist & poet
can forgive anything. Tell me all, and be sure that I will never let
you go, though the whole world should turn from you.
Hassaan Ali
hug.. The only drug that works every time, costs nothing and has no
side effects.
Maya Angelou 1928-2014
American memoirist & poet
carefully to what country people call mother wit. In those homely
sayings are couched the collective wisdom of generations.
Joyce Armor
American author, writer & poet
of stretch marks as pregnancy service stripes.
Honore de Balzac 1799-1850
French novelist & playwright
mothers happiness is like a beacon; lighting up the future, but
reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.
Margaret Culkin Banning
American author & advocate of women’s rights
never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn’t
take them along.
Roseanne Barr 1952
American actress, comedian & writer
know how to do anything…
I’m a mom.
There’s a lot more to being a woman than being a mother, but there’s a lot more to being a mother than most people suspect.
James Matthew Barrie 1860-1937
Scottish novelist & playwright
God to whom little boys say their prayers has a face very like their
Kim Basinger 1953
American actress
you become a mother, your heart is no longer yours.. My daughter is
the greatest thing I’ll
ever do in my life.
Marisa Bate
Feminist journalist & author
women who clean and run a house, look after multiple children and
source and prepare food for a spouse as ‘not working’ is surely
one of the most successful conspiracies of the 20th
Marianne O. Battani 1944-2021
American jurist & judge
really have no definition of mother in our law books. Mother was
believed to have been so basic that no definition was deemed
Victoria Beckham 1974
English singer & fashion designer
really enjoy being a mum, I love them and I’d
do anything for them.
Henry Ward Beecher 1813-1887
American congregationalist clergyman
pardons like a mother who kisses the offense into everlasting
The babe at first feeds upon the mother’s bosom, but is always on her heart.
The mother’s heart is a child’s schoolroom.
Henry Ward Beecher 1813-1887
American congregationalist clergyman
What the mother sings to the cradle, goes all the way to the coffin.
Arlene Benedict
a child’s ear,
is magic in any language.
Ezra Taft Benson 1899-1994
American farmer, government official & LDS church leader
all else, children need to know and feel they are loved, wanted and
appreciated. They need to be assured of that often. Obviously, this
is a role parents should fill, and most often the mother can do it
How vital are mother’s influence and teaching in the home.. and how apparent when neglected!
It is a fundamental truth that the responsibilities of motherhood cannot be successfully delegated. No, not to day-care centres, not to schools, not to nurseries, not to babysitters.
It is a mother’s influence during the crucial formative years that forms a child’s basic character. Home is the place where a child learns faith, feels love, and thereby learns from mother’s loving example to choose righteousness.
It is a truism that children need more of mother than of money.
Mothers play an important role as the heart of the home.
Mothers, take time to be a real friend to your children. Listen to your children, really listen. Talk with them, laugh and joke with them, sing with them, cry with them, hug them, honestly praise them. Yes, regularly spend unused one-on-one time with each child. Be a real friend to your children.
Mothers, train up your children in righteousness; do not attempt to save the world and let your own family fall apart.
No society will long survive without mothers who care for their young and provide that nurturing care so essential for their normal development.
Our mothers put God first when they fill their highest mission within the walls of their own home.
Halle Berry 1966
American actress
is important, but nothing really supersedes my role as a mother,
that’s the most
important thing I’m
going to do in this life.
I am so ready to be a mommy. I can’t wait. I notice every little baby dress, every baby toy, every little baby thing.
Beyonce 1981
American singer-songwriter
mom) is one of those people that you feel honoured to meet, and no
matter who you are, you fall in love with her because she is
spiritual, she’s
inspiring, she’s
strong, she’s
funny, she’s
creative, she’s
talented.. She’s
everything that I want to be.
Mayim Bialik 1975
American actress & author
listen to anyone’s
advice. Listen to your baby. There are so many books, doctors and
well-meaning friends and family. We like to say, ‘You
don’t need a
book. Your baby is a book. Just pick it up and read it.’
Justin Bieber 1994
Canadian singer
mom means a lot to me. My mom gave up everything. She moved with me
and believed in me. She is awesome.
Rachel Billington 1942
British author
daughter never ever gives up on the mother, just as the mother never
gives up on the daughter. There is a tie there so strong that nothing
can break it.
Enid Blyton 1897-1968
English author
and dogs both had a kind of second sight that made them see into
people’s minds
and know when anything unusual was going on.
Erma Bombeck 1927-1996
American humorist & author
love my mother for all the times she said absolutely nothing.
If I had my life to live over, instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
It is not until you become a mother that your judgement slowly turns to compassion and understanding.
Motherhood is the biggest on-the-job training scheme in the world.
Napoleon Bonaparte 1769–1821
French Emperor & military leader
France have good mothers and she will have good sons.
The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother.
Hope Bradford
the baby is born, all that pain that was endured vanishes in an
instant. Love for that tiny baby makes one forget the pain, the fear.
And as I’ve said before, love between mother and child is the
highest experience, the closest to Divine Love.
Robert Brault
American author & philosopher
mom reads you like a book and wherever she goes, people read you like
a glowing book review.
If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been.
Robert Brault
American author & philosopher
Mom… the person most likely to write an autobiography and never mention herself.
There is an instinct in a woman to love her own child, and an instinct to make any child who needs her love, her own.
What is a mom? But the sunshine of our days and the North star of our nights.
Keith L. Brooks 1888-1954
American author of Bible study courses/books
little girl, asked where her home was, replies, ‘where
mother is.’
Pam Brown 1948
Australian poet
a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re
just a mother, the next you are all wise and prehistoric.
However time or circumstances may come between mother and her child, their lives are interwoven forever.
Mothers are the pivot on which the family spins. Mothers are the pivot on which the world spins.
You never realize how much your mother loves you till you explore the attic.. And find every letter you ever sent her.
Robert Browning 1812-1889
English poet & playwright
all love begins and ends there.
Lenny Bruce 1925-1966
American stand-up comedian, social critic & satirist
whole motivation for any performer is…
Look at me Ma!
Darcy Bussell 1969
English ballerina
a mother has made my life complete.
Lorna Byrne 1953
Irish author
a newborn baby is pure love, it is unable to radiate this love out;
it hasn’t
learnt this yet, just as it hasn’t
learnt to walk. The love is inside it, but it doesn’t
know how to give it out. When a mother (or someone else) reaches for
the baby with love, the force of love from the mother draws the
baby’s love
The bonding with a new baby can help people to release love unconsciously.
Lorna Byrne 1953
Irish author
We are all born pure love. As a baby in our mother’s womb, we all love unconditionally. Everyone of us, regardless of whether we are wanted, or whether our mums have an easy pregnancy or labour, glow with pure love when we are born.
quotes about mothers
Glen Campbell 1936
American singer-songwriter
ought to be a hall of fame for mamas, creation’s
most unique and precious pearl.
Anna Carey 1975
Irish author
loved my mother too, I said. I still do. That’s
the thing, it never goes away, even if the person does.
Thomas Carlyle 1795-1881
Scottish historian & essayist
is it that loves me and will love me forever, with affection that no
chance, no misery, no crime of mine can do away? It is you, my
Nancie J. Carmody
am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning
and gutters that need fixing because I have a home. I am thankful for
the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are
Edward Carpenter 1844-1929
English poet, philosopher & anthologist
is, after all, woman’s
great and incomparable work.
Edwin H. Chapin 1814-1880
American preacher, editor & poet
language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mother’s
Charlie Chaplin 1889-1977
English comic actor, filmmaker & composer
seems to me that my mother was the most splendid woman I ever knew. I
have met a lot of people knocking around the world since, but I have
never met a more thoroughly refined woman than my mother. If I have
amounted to anything, it will be due to her.
Agatha Christie 1890-1976
English author
mother’s love
for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no
pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that
stands in its path.
Winston Churchill 1874-1965
British Prime Minister
mother made a brilliant impression upon my childhood life. She shone
for me like the evening star.
Sandra Cisneros 1954
American author
always tell people that I became a writer not because I went to
school but because my mother took me to the library.
Beverly Cleary 1916–2021
American children’s author
don’t think children’s inner feelings have changed. They still
want a mother and father in the very same house; they want places to
Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834
English poet & literary critic
mother is… A
mother, still the holiest thing alive.
The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father.
Lance Conrad
American author
can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood.
Noel Coward 1899-1973
English playwright, composer & director
four years of love and tenderness and crossness and devotion and
unswerving loyalty. Without her I could have achieved a quarter of
what I have achieved, not only in terms of success and career, but in
terms of personal happiness.
Alexander Crane
made me a security blanket when I was born. That faded green blanket
lasted long enough for me to realise that the security part came from
Jamie Lee Curtis 1958
American actress
is a point when you aren’t
so much mom and daughter as you are adults and friends.
Roald Dahl 1916-1990
British author
a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is
the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still
think that he or she is wonderful.
Esther Davis-Thompson
have not one word of criticism for any mother, anywhere, ever. I know
that every mother wants for her child, the absolute best that her
mind can fathom.
Mothers, teach your children this. Teach your children that wisdom is everywhere. In pieces. Some of the wisdom is in the trees, some of the wisdom is with the animals. Some of the wisdom is with the planets and the stars and the moons and the sun. Some of the wisdom flows with the waters. Some of the wisdom was with our ancestors. Some of the wisdom is in our minds. All of the wisdom is from the Spirit of God.
To all of you who are trying to mother through personal pain, who are so tired of being tired; I admire you and earnestly pray for your deliverance as you continue to daily endeavor to deliver your children to themselves.
Barry Deutsch
mother once told me, when you have to make a decision, imaging the
person you want to be someday. Ask yourself, what would that person
Sheri L. Dew 1953
American author, publisher & LDS church leader
daughters of our Heavenly Father, and as daughters of Eve, we are all
mothers and we have always been mothers. And we each have the
responsibility to love and help lead the rising generation.
There is no greater name for a leader than mother or father. There is no leadership more important than parenthood.
You were born to lead as mothers and fathers, because nowhere is righteous leadership more crucial than in the family.
Anita Diamant 1951
American author
more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s
life, the stronger the daughter.
Princess Diana 1961-1997
British royal family
mother’s arms
are more comforting than anyone else’s.
Princess Diana 1961-1997
British royal family
Don’t call me an icon.. I’m just a mother trying to help.
Leonardo DiCaprio 1974
American actor & film producer
mother is a walking miracle.
Emily Dickinson 1830-1886
American poet
mother is one to whom you turn when you are troubled.
Hilary Duff 1987
American actress
always tells me to celebrate everyone’s
uniqueness. I like the way that sounds.
There’s something that just happens to you when you have a baby, and you look at their little eyes for the first time when you’re holding them.
Thomas Edison 1847-1931
American inventor & businessman
memory of my mother will always be a blessing to me.
Zac Efron 1987
American actor
mom is the number one person who has taught me to be courteous
towards women, to always be respectful and polite to them, and to
always lead with your heart.
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) 1819-1880
English novelist & poet
began with waking up and loving my mother’s
Len Elmore 1952
American basketball player, sportscaster & lawyer
mother and father stressed education and always made sure we had a
place to study and books to read.
Euripides 480BC-406BC
Ancient Greek tragedian
what a power is motherhood, possessing a potent spell.
quotes about mothers
Harmony Ferrario
mother’s love
is something we keep locked deep in our hearts, always knowing it
will be there to comfort us.
Tina Fey 1970
American actress, comedian & producer
a mom has made me so tired, and so happy.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher 1879-1958
American author & educational reformer
mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning
Jane Fonda 1937
American actress & activist
a child enters the world through you, it alters everything on a
psychic, psychological and purely practical level.
E. M. Forster 1879-1970
English author
am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there
would be no more wars.
Nancy Friday 1933-2017
American author
older I get, the more of my mother I see in myself.
When I stopped seeing my mother with the eyes of a child, I saw the woman who helped me give birth to myself.
Erich Fromm 1900-1980
German-American social psychologist
love is peace, it need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.
Susan Gale
are like glue.. Even when you can’t
see them, they’re
still holding the family together.
Maggie Gallagher
are the people who love us for no good reason, and those of us who
are mothers know it’s
the most exquisite love of all.
Marion C. Garretty 1902-1972
American poet
love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the
Geronimo 1829-1909
Native American of Apache tribe
a child my mother taught me the legends of our people; taught me of
the sun and sky, the moon and stars, the clouds and storms. She also
taught me to kneel and pray to Usen for strength, health, wisdom and
Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese-American writer & poet
who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him
Mother.. The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind.
Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese-American writer & poet
Show me your mother’s face; I will tell you who you are.
The house remains dark till the mothers wakes up.
When I meditated upon Jesus I always saw him either as an infant in the manger seeing his mother Mary’s face for the first time, or, staring from the crucifix at his mother Mary’s face for the last time.
Strickland Gillilan 1869-1954
American journalist, author & poet
may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of
gold. Richer than I you can never be, I had a mother who read to me.
Jane Goodall 1934
English ethologist
family has very strong women. My mother never laughed at my dream of
Africa, even though everyone else did because we didn’t
have any money, because Africa was the ‘dark
continent’ and
because I was a girl.
My mother always taught us that if people don’t agree with you, the important thing is to listen to them. But if you’ve listened to them carefully and you still think that you’re right, then you must have the courage of your convictions.
Richelle E. Goodrich
American author
mother is a child’s
first looking glass into the world.
Amy Grant 1960
American singer-songwriter
love being with my children. They’re
fascinating people.
Trina Graves 1961
English spiritual poet & quote anthologist
Dear Mummy and Daddy, No matter what happens between us, during my childhood I will Love you unconditionally.
quote from poem: Letter From Your Newborn
Trina Graves 1961
English spiritual poet & quote anthologist
During my childhood: You Were There
Nurturing with your Loving care
Through the ups and downs of it all
Picking me up when I would fall
Always there to kiss goodnight
And cuddle if I woke with a fright
Showing me Love and trust were the way
To practice being, with each new day
quote from poem: You Were There
Trina Graves 1961
English spiritual poet & quote anthologist
I Promise To Always Be There For You. Even later, as the years go by and we grow apart, know that you can always turn to me.
quote from poem: Baby Vows
Trina Graves 1961
English spiritual poet & quote anthologist
My most blessed role of all
Would bring bliss so pure and true
Becoming a mother woke me up
Unconditional Love coming through
I placed this role as my priority
And was blessed with two more
Angels added to our family unit
To Love, cherish and to adore
I am a mother to three children
But each see a different kind
Inner truths and insecurities
Develop and influence the mind
quote from poem: Who Am I?
Trina Graves 1961
English spiritual poet & quote anthologist
the years have passed and you are grown
my memory of pure Bliss can still bring a tear
you were first place in my arms
moment I treasure most dear
quote from poem: Those Moments I Treasure
Trina Graves 1961
English spiritual poet & quote anthologist
The greatest blessing of my life
Was in becoming a mother
Truly blessed three times in all
A Divine Blessing above any other
The greatest treasures bestowed on me
Worth more than diamonds and gold
Were the lives of my precious children
Still my treasures, even as we grow old
quote from poem: The Greatest Blessings
Trina Graves 1961
English spiritual poet & quote anthologist
The greatest thankfulness I give To my Mother, for she taught me
The greatest Blessing in our life Is Mothering, for God’s Love we see
quote from poem: The Greatest Blessings
Trina Graves 1961
English spiritual poet & quote anthologist
Whatever I have faced in my life I’ve known your hand is always there for me to hold, if I need.
quote from poem: Mother's Hand
Spalding Gray 1941-2004
American actor, novelist & playwright
understood once I held a baby in my arms, why some people have the
need to keep having them.
Ellen Greene 1951
American actress & singer
she was here. And I was no longer pregnant. I was a mother. I never
believed in miracles before.
Jasmine Guinness 1976
Irish designer
is never being number one in your list of priorities.. And not
minding at all.
Sarah Josepha Hale 1788-1879
American writer, activist & 1st female editor of a magazine
whole process of home-making, house-keeping, and cooking, which ever
has been woman’s special province, should be looked on as an art
and a profession.
Brooke Hampton
mamas, papas, grandparents, teachers and caregivers we have a
responsibility to protect these little Earth warriors. It’s
our job to protect and nurture their love, their innocence, their
spirits, their imagination, their gifts, their health, and wellbeing,
their spirituality, their confidence, their character, their freedom
of thought, their instincts, their wildness, and their magic! There
is nothing we can do in this lifetime that will compare to the
importance of this work. These little ones are our future. Guard them
Mariska Hargitay 1964
American actress
feel a total kindred spirit with anyone who has lost her mother,
especially at a young age. When something like that happens it leaves
a hole in your heart that can never be filled. I know I’m
not over it. I’ll
hear women talk about their mothers and how close the are and it’s
so painful. I had a lovely stepmother but it’s
not the same as having your own mom. But I do know that the hole in
my heart pushed me to want to become the best mother I could be.
You make sacrifices to become a mother. But you really find yourself and your Soul when you are one.
Graycie Harmon
mom is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness and
being. I may sometimes forget the words, but I always remember the
Terri Hatcher 1964
American actress
really clear about my priority in life.. It’s
being a mom.
Katherine Butler Hathaway 1890-1942
American author
knows that a good mother gives her children a feeling of trust and
stability.. Somehow even her clothes feel different to her children’s
hands from anybody else’s
clothes. Only to touch her skirt or her sleeve makes a troubled child
feel better.
Mother is the one we count on for all the things that matter most of all.
Robert Havighurst 1900-1991
American chemist, physicist & educator
successful mother sets her children free and becomes more free
herself in the process.
Goldie Hawn 1945
American actress
truth is that no matter how old we are, as long as our mothers are
alive, we want our mothers.
Oliver Wendell Holmes 1809-1894
American physician, poet & polymath
fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; a mothers secret
hope outlives them all.
Nicola Horlick 1960
British investment fund manager
I pick up one of my children and cuddle them, all the strain and
stress of life temporarily disappears. There is nothing more
wonderful than motherhood and no one will ever love you as much as a
small child.
Victor Hugo 1802-1885
French poet, novelist & dramatist
mother’s arms
are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.
Howard W. Hunter 1907-1995
American lawyer & LDS church leader
is near to divinity. It is the highest service to be assumed by
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